Troubleshooting your OpenStack deployments

The logs of your deployment can be found in the controller-manager of the different RHOSP Operators.

From the bastion server access the Control Plane:

oc get pods -n openstack-operators
Sample Output
NAME                                                              READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
barbican-operator-controller-manager-7fb68ff6cb-8zhnf             2/2     Running   0          38m
cinder-operator-controller-manager-c8f77fcfb-cjwl5                2/2     Running   0          37m
designate-operator-controller-manager-78b49498cf-s24nj            2/2     Running   0          37m
glance-operator-controller-manager-58996fbd7d-g9xvg               2/2     Running   0          37m
heat-operator-controller-manager-74c6c75fd7-qnx2r                 2/2     Running   0          38m
horizon-operator-controller-manager-76459c97c9-689qv              2/2     Running   0          37m
infra-operator-controller-manager-77fccf5fc5-6k9zk                2/2     Running   0          38m
ironic-operator-controller-manager-6bd9577485-26ldg               2/2     Running   0          36m
keystone-operator-controller-manager-59b77787bb-cqxsq             2/2     Running   0          37m
manila-operator-controller-manager-5c87bb85f4-pnr7p               2/2     Running   0          38m
mariadb-operator-controller-manager-869fb6f6fd-5n8d6              2/2     Running   0          37m
neutron-operator-controller-manager-75f674c89c-22mcx              2/2     Running   0          38m
nova-operator-controller-manager-544c56f75b-s7c7s                 2/2     Running   0          38m
octavia-operator-controller-manager-5b9c8db7d6-r4sg5              2/2     Running   0          38m
openstack-ansibleee-operator-controller-manager-5dddc7ccb99kmmp   2/2     Running   0          37m
openstack-baremetal-operator-controller-manager-77975546555v9m5   2/2     Running   0          38m
openstack-operator-controller-manager-cfcf84546-4cbwb             2/2     Running   0          37m
ovn-operator-controller-manager-6d77f744c4-g2lm8                  2/2     Running   0          36m
placement-operator-controller-manager-84dc689f7c-trfxb            2/2     Running   0          37m
rabbitmq-cluster-operator-7d6b597db7-mtknb                        1/1     Running   0          37m
swift-operator-controller-manager-5fdb4c94d9-bp9l6                2/2     Running   0          37m
telemetry-operator-controller-manager-564b55fd8-tzmcb             2/2     Running   0          38m

Troubleshooting control plane creation

  1. First of all, determine the name and status of the openstack control plane:

    $ oc get openstackcontrolplane -n openstack
NAME                                 STATUS   MESSAGE
openstack-galera-network-isolation   True     Setup complete

In order to debug any issues in your control plane deployment, get the logs of the openstack-operator-controller-manager:

Sample Output
oc logs openstack-operator-controller-manager-cfcf84546-4cbwb -n openstack-operators

Troubleshooting data plane creation

Each data plane deployment in the environment has associated services. Each of these services have a job condition message that matches to the current status of the AnsibleEE job executing for that service. This information can be used to troubleshoot deployments when services are not deploying or operating correctly.

  1. Determine the name and status of all deployments:

    oc get openstackdataplanedeployment

    The following example output shows two deployments currently in progress:

    oc get openstackdataplanedeployment
    NAME                   NODESETS             STATUS   MESSAGE
    openstack-edpm-ipam1   ["openstack-edpm"]   False    Deployment in progress
    openstack-edpm-ipam2   ["openstack-edpm"]   False    Deployment in progress
  2. Determine the name and status of all services and their job condition:

    oc get openstackansibleee

    The following example output shows all services and their job condition for all current deployments:

    oc get openstackansibleee
    NAME                             NETWORKATTACHMENTS   STATUS   MESSAGE
    bootstrap-openstack-edpm         ["ctlplane"]         True     Job completed
    download-cache-openstack-edpm    ["ctlplane"]         False    Job in progress
    repo-setup-openstack-edpm        ["ctlplane"]         True     Job completed
    validate-network-another-osdpd   ["ctlplane"]         False    Job in progress
  3. Filter for the name and service for a specific deployment:

    oc get openstackansibleee -l openstackdataplanedeployment=<deployment_name>
    • Replace <deployment_name> with the name of the deployment to use to filter the services list.

      The following example filters the list to only show services and their job condition for the openstack-edpm-ipam1 deployment:

      $ oc get openstackansibleee -l openstackdataplanedeployment=openstack-edpm-ipam1
      NAME                            NETWORKATTACHMENTS   STATUS   MESSAGE
      bootstrap-openstack-edpm        ["ctlplane"]         True     Job completed
      download-cache-openstack-edpm   ["ctlplane"]         False    Job in progress
      repo-setup-openstack-edpm       ["ctlplane"]         True     Job completed

      To further investigate a service that is displaying a particular job condition message, view its logs by using the command oc logs job/<service>. For example, to view the logs for the repo-setup-openstack-edpm service, use the command

oc logs job/repo-setup-openstack-edpm.