Install the OpenStack Operator

  1. Clone the Files Repo

    In the bastion terminal, clone the repo and change directory to the files that we will used later in the lab

    git clone labrepo
    cd labrepo/content/files
  2. Install the OpenStack Operators

    The next step in installing the OpenStack Operators will be create the openstack-operators project for the RHOSO operators:

    oc new-project openstack-operators
  3. Create the openstack project for the deployed RHOSO environment:

    oc new-project openstack
  4. Configure the Catalog Source, OperatorGroup and Subscription for the OpenStack Operator using your registry:

    Create the new CatalogSource, OperatorGroup, and Subscription CRs in the openstack namespace from files/openstack-operators.yaml: You can cut and paste the referenced yamlfiles from the repo or you may wish to clone the repository onto the bastion which this guide will assume:

    oc apply -f osp-ng-openstack-operator.yaml
  5. Install the operator using the Manual approval strategy. Confirm that an install plan has been created but not executed as it has not been approved:

oc get installplan -n openstack-operators
Sample Output
NAME            CSV                       APPROVAL   APPROVED
install-lfs4j   octavia-operator.v1.0.0   Manual     false
  1. Approve the installation of the operator by updating the approved field of the InstallPlan:

oc patch installplan install-lfs4j  \
    --namespace openstack-operators \
    --type merge \
    --patch '{"spec":{"approved":true}}'
  1. Confirm that you have installed the Openstack Operator, openstack-operator.openstack-operators:

    oc get operators openstack-operator.openstack-operators
  2. Review the pods in the openstack-operators namespace:

    oc get pods -n openstack-operators
  3. If you run:

    oc get pods -n openstack-operators --sort-by=.metadata.creationTimestamp

    You should see a list of completed pods and then the running openstack services pods. It should look like:

    Sample Output
    NAME                                                              READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    barbican-operator-controller-manager-7fb68ff6cb-8zhnf             2/2     Running   0          7m20s
    cinder-operator-controller-manager-c8f77fcfb-cjwl5                2/2     Running   0          7m4s
    designate-operator-controller-manager-78b49498cf-s24nj            2/2     Running   0          6m46s
    glance-operator-controller-manager-58996fbd7d-g9xvg               2/2     Running   0          6m38s
    heat-operator-controller-manager-74c6c75fd7-qnx2r                 2/2     Running   0          7m19s
    horizon-operator-controller-manager-76459c97c9-689qv              2/2     Running   0          6m45s
    infra-operator-controller-manager-77fccf5fc5-6k9zk                2/2     Running   0          7m15s
    ironic-operator-controller-manager-6bd9577485-26ldg               2/2     Running   0          6m8s
    keystone-operator-controller-manager-59b77787bb-cqxsq             2/2     Running   0          6m30s
    manila-operator-controller-manager-5c87bb85f4-pnr7p               2/2     Running   0          7m48s
    mariadb-operator-controller-manager-869fb6f6fd-5n8d6              2/2     Running   0          6m17s
    neutron-operator-controller-manager-75f674c89c-22mcx              2/2     Running   0          8m2s
    nova-operator-controller-manager-544c56f75b-s7c7s                 2/2     Running   0          7m55s
    octavia-operator-controller-manager-5b9c8db7d6-r4sg5              2/2     Running   0          8m7s
    openstack-ansibleee-operator-controller-manager-5dddc7ccb99kmmp   2/2     Running   0          6m54s
    openstack-baremetal-operator-controller-manager-77975546555v9m5   2/2     Running   0          7m47s
    openstack-operator-controller-manager-cfcf84546-4cbwb             2/2     Running   0          7m2s
    ovn-operator-controller-manager-6d77f744c4-g2lm8                  2/2     Running   0          6m10s
    placement-operator-controller-manager-84dc689f7c-trfxb            2/2     Running   0          6m47s
    rabbitmq-cluster-operator-7d6b597db7-mtknb                        1/1     Running   0          6m16s
    swift-operator-controller-manager-5fdb4c94d9-bp9l6                2/2     Running   0          6m22s
    telemetry-operator-controller-manager-564b55fd8-tzmcb             2/2     Running   0          8m11s