Install, configure AAP and launch a migration

Install Ansible Execution Platform

In the bastion:

Create the ansible-automation-platform namespace:

oc new-project ansible-automation-platform

Create the OperatorGroup:

cat << EOF | oc apply -f -
kind: OperatorGroup
  name: ansible-automation-platform-operator
  namespace: ansible-automation-platform
    - ansible-automation-platform

Confirm the OperatorGroup is installed in the namespace:

oc get operatorgroup -n ansible-automation-platform

Subscribe to the ansible-automation-platform-operator Operator:

cat << EOF| oc apply -f -
kind: Subscription
  name: ansible-automation-platform
  namespace: ansible-automation-platform
  channel: 'stable-2.5'
  installPlanApproval: Automatic
  name: ansible-automation-platform-operator
  source: redhat-operators
  sourceNamespace: openshift-marketplace

Confirm that the ansible-automation-platform-operator Operator is running. Repeat this command until you see the desired output:

oc get clusterserviceversion -n ansible-automation-platform -o,Phase:.status.phase
Sample Output
Name                                               Phase
aap-operator.v2.5.0-0.1739248042                   Succeeded

In the bastion terminal, clone the repo if you didn’t do it during the RHOSO installation

git clone labrepo
cd labrepo/content/files

In the bastion, Configure NFS storage class to provide RWX storage class to AAP:

mkdir /nfs/pv6
mkdir /nfs/pv7
mkdir /nfs/pv8
mkdir /nfs/pv9
mkdir /nfs/pv10
mkdir /nfs/pv11
chmod 777 /nfs/pv*
oc create -f nfs-storage.yaml

Create a CR of the Ansible Automation Platform:

oc apply -f - <<EOF
kind: AnsibleAutomationPlatform
  name: aap-for-rhoso-migrations
  namespace: ansible-automation-platform
  # Platform
  image_pull_policy: IfNotPresent
  # Components
    disabled: false
    disabled: false
    disabled: false
    ## Modify to contain your RWM storage class name
    storage_type: file
    file_storage_storage_class: nfs
    file_storage_size: 10Gi

    ## uncomment if using S3 storage for Content pod
    # storage_type: S3
    # object_storage_s3_secret: example-galaxy-object-storage

    ## uncomment if using Azure storage for Content pod
    # storage_type: azure
    # object_storage_azure_secret: azure-secret-name
    disabled: true

Confirm that the Ansible Automation Platform pods are running:

oc get pods -n ansible-automation-platform
Sample Output
NAME                                                              READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
aap-for-rhoso-migrations-controller-migration-4.6.8-kls8d         0/1     Completed   0          8m23s
aap-for-rhoso-migrations-controller-task-78d76d4596-mn8vc         4/4     Running     0          9m7s
aap-for-rhoso-migrations-controller-web-86f9d988-cvc8h            3/3     Running     0          9m9s
aap-for-rhoso-migrations-eda-activation-worker-59fd79b5c9-d6vcb   1/1     Running     0          9m32s
aap-for-rhoso-migrations-eda-activation-worker-59fd79b5c9-hdg92   1/1     Running     0          9m32s
aap-for-rhoso-migrations-eda-api-864755bcc8-sk87f                 3/3     Running     0          9m34s
aap-for-rhoso-migrations-eda-default-worker-7d54fdb44c-9ngrc      1/1     Running     0          9m33s
aap-for-rhoso-migrations-eda-default-worker-7d54fdb44c-dn8xm      1/1     Running     0          9m33s
aap-for-rhoso-migrations-eda-event-stream-674db468c7-c9xxd        2/2     Running     0          9m29s
aap-for-rhoso-migrations-eda-scheduler-99dccf864-n7nzc            1/1     Running     0          9m31s
aap-for-rhoso-migrations-eda-scheduler-99dccf864-skzdj            1/1     Running     0          9m31s
aap-for-rhoso-migrations-gateway-d9894b76f-dcfn4                  2/2     Running     0          11m
aap-for-rhoso-migrations-hub-api-668b966979-vb8lq                 1/1     Running     0          9m1s
aap-for-rhoso-migrations-hub-content-745c569598-47vs9             1/1     Running     0          9m16s
aap-for-rhoso-migrations-hub-content-745c569598-cdnc4             1/1     Running     0          9m16s
aap-for-rhoso-migrations-hub-redis-655c475d7c-p5ftl               1/1     Running     0          9m25s
aap-for-rhoso-migrations-hub-web-57d489786-d5wbt                  1/1     Running     0          9m30s
aap-for-rhoso-migrations-hub-worker-878857467-g687h               1/1     Running     0          9m11s
aap-for-rhoso-migrations-postgres-15-0                            1/1     Running     0          12m
aap-for-rhoso-migrations-redis-0                                  1/1     Running     0          12m
aap-gateway-operator-controller-manager-55fd699d8b-ddz9z          2/2     Running     0          66m
ansible-lightspeed-operator-controller-manager-7cdf859495-hlnct   2/2     Running     0          66m
automation-controller-operator-controller-manager-6c5989994dg8m   2/2     Running     0          66m
automation-hub-operator-controller-manager-85dfcfdfb9-c8fjw       2/2     Running     0          66m
eda-server-operator-controller-manager-d489994c8-x8f4m            2/2     Running     0          66m
resource-operator-controller-manager-58d495d4b5-ck42z             2/2     Running     0          66m

Get the secret to access AAP dashboard:

oc get secret/aap-for-rhoso-migrations-admin-password -o jsonpath={.data.password} -n ansible-automation-platform | base64 --decode

Get the route to access AAP dashboard:

oc get routes -n ansible-automation-platform

The URL of your AAP dashboard is:

Navigate that URL with your browser and finish the Ansible Automation Platform by subscribing the AAP.

Configuring AAP to Launch a Migration

Creating Credentials

  1. From the navigation panel, go to Automation ExecutionCredentials.

  2. Click Create Credentials and set the following parameters:

    • Name: Bastion key

    • Credential Type: Machine

    • Username: cloud-user

    • SSH Private Key: File content from /root/.ssh/id_rsa on the bastion

Creating an Inventory

  1. From the navigation panel, go to Automation ExecutionInfrastructureInventories.

  2. Click Create InventoryCreate Inventory and set the following parameters:

    • Name: Conversion Host Inventory

    • Organization: Default

  3. Click Create Inventory.

Creating Hosts

Conversion Host

  1. From the navigation panel, go to Automation ExecutionInfrastructureHosts.

  2. Click Create Host and set the following parameters:

    • Name: conversion_host

    • Inventory: Conversion Host Inventory

  3. Click Create Host.

Migrator Host

  1. From the navigation panel, go to Automation ExecutionInfrastructureHosts.

  2. Click Create Host and set the following parameters:

    • Name: migrator

    • Inventory: Conversion Host Inventory

    • Variables:

ansible_host: localhost
ansible_connection: local

Click Create Host.

Creating the conversion_host Group

  1. From the navigation panel, go to Automation ExecutionInfrastructureInventories.

  2. Inside the Conversion Host Inventory, go to the Groups tab.

  3. Click Add Group and set:

    • Name: conversion_host

  4. Click Create Group.

  5. Inside the Conversion Host Inventory:

    • Navigate to the Groups tab.

    • Click on conversion_host.

    • Go to the Hosts tab within the group.

    • Click Add, select from the list, and click Save.

Creating an Execution Environment

  1. From the navigation panel, go to Automation ExecutionInfrastructureExecution Environments.

  2. Click Create Execution Environment and set the following parameters:

    • Name: osm-migration-kit Execution Environment

    • Image:

  3. Click Create Execution Environment.

Creating a Project

  1. From the navigation panel, go to Automation ExecutionProjects.

  2. Click Create Project and set the following parameters:

  3. Click Create Project.

Creating the Job Template

Preparing the Bastion

Run the following commands to configure OpenStack CLI access:

oc project openstack
alias openstack="oc exec -t openstackclient -- openstack"

Retrieve necessary OpenStack parameters:

SECURITY_GROUP_ID=$(openstack security group list | awk '/ basic / {print $2}')
PROJECT_ID=$(openstack project list | grep ' admin ' | awk '{print $2}')
AUTH_URL=$(openstack endpoint list --service identity --interface public -c URL -f value)

Create the os_migrate_vars.yaml file:

cat << EOF > os_migrate_vars.yaml
# osm working directory:
runner_from_aee: true
os_migrate_vmw_data_dir: /tmp/os-migrate
copy_openstack_credentials_to_conv_host: false

# Re-use an already deployed conversion host:
already_deploy_conversion_host: true

# If no mapped network, set the OpenStack network:
openstack_private_network: private

# Security groups for the instance:
security_groups: ${SECURITY_GROUP_ID}
use_existing_flavor: false

# Network settings for OpenStack:
os_migrate_create_network_port: true
copy_metadata_to_conv_host: true
used_mapped_networks: false

os_migrate_configure_network: true

  - winweb01-my-guid

# VMware parameters:
vcenter_hostname: {vcenter_console}
vcenter_username: {vcenter_full_user}
vcenter_password: {vcenter_password}
vcenter_datacenter: RS01

    auth_url: ${AUTH_URL}
    username: admin
    project_id: ${PROJECT_ID}
    project_name: admin
    user_domain_name: Default
    password: openstack
  region_name: regionOne
  interface: public
  insecure: true
  identity_api_version: 3

Configuring the Job Template

  1. From the navigation panel, go to Automation ExecutionTemplates.

  2. Click Create TemplateCreate Job Template and set the following parameters:

    • Name: Windows VM Migration

    • Inventory: Conversion Host Inventory

    • Project: osm-migration-kit

    • Playbook: vmware_migration_kit/playbooks/migration.yml

    • Execution Environment: osm-migration-kit Execution Environment

    • Credentials: Bastion key

    • Extra Variables: Copy the content of /root/os_migrate_vars.yaml from the bastion

  3. Click Create Job Template.

Running the Migration

  1. From the navigation panel, go to Automation ExecutionTemplates.

  2. Locate the Windows VM Migration template.

  3. Click the rocket icon to launch the migration.

Access to the VM using Horizon

  1. Access to Horizon using the URL:

  2. In the top panel, Instances, click on the instance: winweb01-my-guid

  3. Click the tab Console to access to the console.