Install, configure AAP and launch a migration
Install Ansible Execution Platform
In the bastion:
Create the ansible-automation-platform namespace:
oc new-project ansible-automation-platform
Create the OperatorGroup:
cat << EOF | oc apply -f -
kind: OperatorGroup
name: ansible-automation-platform-operator
namespace: ansible-automation-platform
- ansible-automation-platform
Confirm the OperatorGroup is installed in the namespace:
oc get operatorgroup -n ansible-automation-platform
Subscribe to the ansible-automation-platform-operator Operator:
cat << EOF| oc apply -f -
kind: Subscription
name: ansible-automation-platform
namespace: ansible-automation-platform
channel: 'stable-2.5'
installPlanApproval: Automatic
name: ansible-automation-platform-operator
source: redhat-operators
sourceNamespace: openshift-marketplace
Confirm that the ansible-automation-platform-operator Operator is running. Repeat this command until you see the desired output:
oc get clusterserviceversion -n ansible-automation-platform -o,Phase:.status.phase
Name Phase aap-operator.v2.5.0-0.1739248042 Succeeded
In the bastion terminal, clone the repo if you didn’t do it during the RHOSO installation
git clone labrepo
cd labrepo/content/files
In the bastion, Configure NFS storage class to provide RWX storage class to AAP:
mkdir /nfs/pv6
mkdir /nfs/pv7
mkdir /nfs/pv8
mkdir /nfs/pv9
mkdir /nfs/pv10
mkdir /nfs/pv11
chmod 777 /nfs/pv*
oc create -f nfs-storage.yaml
Create a CR of the Ansible Automation Platform:
oc apply -f - <<EOF
kind: AnsibleAutomationPlatform
name: aap-for-rhoso-migrations
namespace: ansible-automation-platform
# Platform
image_pull_policy: IfNotPresent
# Components
disabled: false
disabled: false
disabled: false
## Modify to contain your RWM storage class name
storage_type: file
file_storage_storage_class: nfs
file_storage_size: 10Gi
## uncomment if using S3 storage for Content pod
# storage_type: S3
# object_storage_s3_secret: example-galaxy-object-storage
## uncomment if using Azure storage for Content pod
# storage_type: azure
# object_storage_azure_secret: azure-secret-name
disabled: true
Confirm that the Ansible Automation Platform pods are running:
oc get pods -n ansible-automation-platform
NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE aap-for-rhoso-migrations-controller-migration-4.6.8-kls8d 0/1 Completed 0 8m23s aap-for-rhoso-migrations-controller-task-78d76d4596-mn8vc 4/4 Running 0 9m7s aap-for-rhoso-migrations-controller-web-86f9d988-cvc8h 3/3 Running 0 9m9s aap-for-rhoso-migrations-eda-activation-worker-59fd79b5c9-d6vcb 1/1 Running 0 9m32s aap-for-rhoso-migrations-eda-activation-worker-59fd79b5c9-hdg92 1/1 Running 0 9m32s aap-for-rhoso-migrations-eda-api-864755bcc8-sk87f 3/3 Running 0 9m34s aap-for-rhoso-migrations-eda-default-worker-7d54fdb44c-9ngrc 1/1 Running 0 9m33s aap-for-rhoso-migrations-eda-default-worker-7d54fdb44c-dn8xm 1/1 Running 0 9m33s aap-for-rhoso-migrations-eda-event-stream-674db468c7-c9xxd 2/2 Running 0 9m29s aap-for-rhoso-migrations-eda-scheduler-99dccf864-n7nzc 1/1 Running 0 9m31s aap-for-rhoso-migrations-eda-scheduler-99dccf864-skzdj 1/1 Running 0 9m31s aap-for-rhoso-migrations-gateway-d9894b76f-dcfn4 2/2 Running 0 11m aap-for-rhoso-migrations-hub-api-668b966979-vb8lq 1/1 Running 0 9m1s aap-for-rhoso-migrations-hub-content-745c569598-47vs9 1/1 Running 0 9m16s aap-for-rhoso-migrations-hub-content-745c569598-cdnc4 1/1 Running 0 9m16s aap-for-rhoso-migrations-hub-redis-655c475d7c-p5ftl 1/1 Running 0 9m25s aap-for-rhoso-migrations-hub-web-57d489786-d5wbt 1/1 Running 0 9m30s aap-for-rhoso-migrations-hub-worker-878857467-g687h 1/1 Running 0 9m11s aap-for-rhoso-migrations-postgres-15-0 1/1 Running 0 12m aap-for-rhoso-migrations-redis-0 1/1 Running 0 12m aap-gateway-operator-controller-manager-55fd699d8b-ddz9z 2/2 Running 0 66m ansible-lightspeed-operator-controller-manager-7cdf859495-hlnct 2/2 Running 0 66m automation-controller-operator-controller-manager-6c5989994dg8m 2/2 Running 0 66m automation-hub-operator-controller-manager-85dfcfdfb9-c8fjw 2/2 Running 0 66m eda-server-operator-controller-manager-d489994c8-x8f4m 2/2 Running 0 66m resource-operator-controller-manager-58d495d4b5-ck42z 2/2 Running 0 66m
Get the secret to access AAP dashboard:
oc get secret/aap-for-rhoso-migrations-admin-password -o jsonpath={.data.password} -n ansible-automation-platform | base64 --decode
Get the route to access AAP dashboard:
oc get routes -n ansible-automation-platform
The URL of your AAP dashboard is:
Navigate that URL with your browser and finish the Ansible Automation Platform by subscribing the AAP.
Configuring AAP to Launch a Migration
Creating Credentials
From the navigation panel, go to Automation Execution → Credentials.
Click Create Credentials and set the following parameters:
Name: Bastion key
Credential Type: Machine
Username: cloud-user
SSH Private Key: File content from
on the bastion
Creating an Inventory
From the navigation panel, go to Automation Execution → Infrastructure → Inventories.
Click Create Inventory → Create Inventory and set the following parameters:
Name: Conversion Host Inventory
Organization: Default
Click Create Inventory.
Creating Hosts
Creating the conversion_host
From the navigation panel, go to Automation Execution → Infrastructure → Inventories.
Inside the Conversion Host Inventory, go to the Groups tab.
Click Add Group and set:
Name: conversion_host
Click Create Group.
Inside the Conversion Host Inventory:
Navigate to the Groups tab.
Click on
. -
Go to the Hosts tab within the group.
Click Add, select
from the list, and click Save.
Creating an Execution Environment
From the navigation panel, go to Automation Execution → Infrastructure → Execution Environments.
Click Create Execution Environment and set the following parameters:
Name: osm-migration-kit Execution Environment
Click Create Execution Environment.
Creating a Project
From the navigation panel, go to Automation Execution → Projects.
Click Create Project and set the following parameters:
Name: osm-migration-kit
Execution Environment: osm-migration-kit Execution Environment
Source Control Type: Git
Source Control URL:
Click Create Project.
Creating the Job Template
Preparing the Bastion
Run the following commands to configure OpenStack CLI access:
oc project openstack
alias openstack="oc exec -t openstackclient -- openstack"
Retrieve necessary OpenStack parameters:
SECURITY_GROUP_ID=$(openstack security group list | awk '/ basic / {print $2}')
PROJECT_ID=$(openstack project list | grep ' admin ' | awk '{print $2}')
AUTH_URL=$(openstack endpoint list --service identity --interface public -c URL -f value)
Create the os_migrate_vars.yaml
cat << EOF > os_migrate_vars.yaml
# osm working directory:
runner_from_aee: true
os_migrate_vmw_data_dir: /tmp/os-migrate
copy_openstack_credentials_to_conv_host: false
# Re-use an already deployed conversion host:
already_deploy_conversion_host: true
# If no mapped network, set the OpenStack network:
openstack_private_network: private
# Security groups for the instance:
security_groups: ${SECURITY_GROUP_ID}
use_existing_flavor: false
# Network settings for OpenStack:
os_migrate_create_network_port: true
copy_metadata_to_conv_host: true
used_mapped_networks: false
os_migrate_configure_network: true
- winweb01-my-guid
# VMware parameters:
vcenter_hostname: {vcenter_console}
vcenter_username: {vcenter_full_user}
vcenter_password: {vcenter_password}
vcenter_datacenter: RS01
auth_url: ${AUTH_URL}
username: admin
project_id: ${PROJECT_ID}
project_name: admin
user_domain_name: Default
password: openstack
region_name: regionOne
interface: public
insecure: true
identity_api_version: 3
Configuring the Job Template
From the navigation panel, go to Automation Execution → Templates.
Click Create Template → Create Job Template and set the following parameters:
Name: Windows VM Migration
Inventory: Conversion Host Inventory
Project: osm-migration-kit
Execution Environment: osm-migration-kit Execution Environment
Credentials: Bastion key
Extra Variables: Copy the content of
from the bastion
Click Create Job Template.
Access to the VM using Horizon
Access to Horizon using the URL:
In the top panel, Instances, click on the instance: winweb01-my-guid
Click the tab Console to access to the console.